Boil Notice Frequently Asked Questions

February 16, 2018

City of Wills Point

Frequently Asked Questions about Operating Under a Boil Order


Why is boil water necessary?

Finished water is distributed from the City’s water production facilities through a series of distribution mains.  Those mains normally have a water pressure of between 40 and 60 pounds per square inch (PSI).  When the pressure in lines that convey potable water falls below 20 PSI, a boil water notice is required to be issued as a precaution, even when contamination is unlikely.  Until laboratory tests are completed, the boil water notice must remain in effect.


What does a boil order mean?

It means the water that comes out of the tap should not be used for drinking, brushing your teeth, cooking or washing fruits and vegetables.  You should use bottled water for these activities.


How long should I boil my water for?

The affected tap water should be brought to a rolling boil for 2 minutes before being used.


Can I drink the water?

Do not drink the water until the boil notice has been lifted by the City.  Only bottled water or water that has been boiled for 2 minutes at a rolling boil before being used should be used for consumption, to wash dishes, wash fruits/vegetables, make ice or brush teeth.


Can I wash my hands with this water?

The City of Wills Point recommends that bottled water or water boiled for 2 minutes should be used for hand washing.  When this is not practical, it is recommended that if tap water must be used to wash and rinse, it should be followed up with the use of a hand sanitizer.  Using extra precautions with hand washing ensures that hands are clean for eating.


Can I take a shower or bath in this water?

Yes, it is safe to shower or bathe in the water.  The primary concern is that the water not be consumed until proper testing has been performed.  Instruct children not to put the water in their mouth when they are bathing.  When bathing infants, extra precaution should be taken and the City of Wills Point recommends the use of bottled water or water that has been boiled for 2 minutes at a rolling boil and cooled for use.


How do I wash my dishes?

Use bottled water or water that has been boiled at a rolling boil for at least 2 minutes to wash and rinse dishes.


Can I wash my clothes in the water?

Yes, you may continue to use the water to wash your clothes.


Can my pets drink the water?

Animals generally are not affected in the same way as humans by the contaminants in the water.  An individual may choose to give their pet bottled water or water that has been boiled at a rolling boil for 2 minutes.  Fish tanks should not be affected.


How long will the boil order remain in effect?

Samples for testing will be submitted to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and customers will be notified when the boil water notice is lifted.


What do we need to do when the boil order is lifted?

When the boil water order is lifted you may resume regular consumption.  However, the City’s water system may be under a mandatory water ration alert until permanent repairs to the City’s water infrastructure have been completed.


Where can I obtain more information?

If you have questions and there are several ways to stay informed please visit:




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Last modified: February 16, 2018

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